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Pastor Smith's Testimony

The journey begins when after three years of crack cocaine addiction, Michael Smith makes the life-changing decision to give his life to Jesus Christ. 


During an experience in which God speaks to him concerning deliverance from all sin, Bro Smith is confronted with the reality of hell or salvation, he chooses salvation and God deposits a sense of urgent pursuit which motivates him to seek out the only truth he had encountered, being baptised in Jesus name and being filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost . 

He was then driven to do what he had not  been done since the death of his mother, go to church. The day after this experience, Bro Smith went to a morning service  in the Upper Room at Solomon's Temple where he heard the Word of God as never before  and was baptised in the name of Jesus Christ., immediately he was delivered from a 17yr addiction to  cigarette smoking. 


One of the most profound things that took palce during this experiience was something the late Deacon Eugene Smith said to Bro. Smith while he was preparing for baptism, Deacon Smith ( no relations) said to him "son, you can leave here today and never come back if thats what you want to do, but,  God is doing what He's doing today to save you" That statement has stuck with Pastor Smith since that day. Bro. Smith tarried for the Holy Ghost , but did not receive, but was driven and determined to receive what he saw in the people he now found himself surrounded by, God's People

On the morning of March 20th 1986, Bro Smith  made his way back to the Upper Room Service to tarry, he had the feeling of expectation that God was about to change his life. As he he prayed to be  filled, he could feel himself being flooded with the presence of God as never before.  As the Holy Ghost began to fill him and he  spoke in other tongues, he felt the chains  of sin fall  off. 


After being mightly saved, Bro. Smith began to study the Word of God with a voracious appetite, he began attending  NewComers Class where he excelled  as  a student of the Bible. He served wherever he was needed, even if only to help candidates into the water for baptism or serving in the dining area or parking lot security . After about a year, God called him to ministry , where he learned and served as a jr. pastor for the next 12 yrs. As God elevated  him in ministry, he was moved to help one of his older brothers in Christ, Elder Lovell Cannon , who was himself beginning his pastoral ministry in founding True Worship Church C.O.O.L.J.C. Minister Smith served as Youth Pastor of True Worship for seven yrs , where during which time, he was ordained to Elder in August 2002 . In 2003, he met Sharon Richard  and they were married on June 26th  2004


In  January 2006, God called Elder Smith  to Pastoral Ministry and Life Enhancement  Christian Ministries was born.. 

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